¡Cuba RebelióN!: Музыка гаванского подполья

Список использованных источников

Acosta, Leonardo. 2008. “Música Techno, Ruido y Medio Ambiente.” Gaceta de Cuba 4 (июль-август): 14-18.

Baker, Geoffrey. 2009. “The Politics of Dancing: Reggaetón and Rap in Havana, Cuba.” In Reggaetón, ред. Raquel Rivera, Deborah Pacini Hernandez и Wayne Marshall, 165-99. Durham: Duke University Press.

Baker, Geoffrey. 2011. Buena Vista in the Club: Rap, Reggaetón, and Revolution in Havana. Durham: Duke University Press.

Baker, Geoffrey. 2012. “Mala Bizta Sochal Klu: Underground, Alternative and Commercial in Havana Hip Hop.” Popular Music 31, no.1.

Borges-Triana, Joaquin. 2009. Concierto Cubano: La Vida Es Un Divino Guión. Barcelona: Linkgua.

Cloonan, Martin. 2003. “Call That Censorship? Problems of Definition.” In Policing Pop, ред. Martin Cloonan и Reebee Garofalo. 13-29. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Cushman, Thomas. 1993. “Glasnost, Perestroika, and the Management of Oppositional Popular Culture in the Soviet Union, 1985-1991.” Current Perspectives in Social Theory 13:25-67.

Cushman, Thomas. 1995. Notes from the Underground: Rode Music Counterculture in Russia. Albany: State University of New York Press.

De Kloet, Jeroen. 2005. “Confusing Confucius: Rock in Contemporary China.” In Policing Pop. ред. Martin Cloonan и Reebee Garofalo, 166-85. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

De Kloet, Jeroen. (нет даты) “Encuentro entre amigos.” Movimiento 2:18-23.

Fernandes, Sujatha. 2006. Cuba Represent! Cuban Arts, State Power, and the Making of New Revolutionary Cultures.Durham: Duke University Press.

García Freyre, Laura. 2009. “El hip hop me quitó la venda de los ojos.” Cuba-encuentro, от 12 мая. https://www.cubaencuentro.com/entrevistas/articulos/el-hip-hop-me-quito-la-venda-de-los-ojos-177231 актуально на 9.07.2018.

Haraszti, Miklós. 1988. The Velvet Prison: Artists Under State Socialism. London: 1.8. Tauris.

Heble, Ajay. 2003. “Take Two/Rebel Musics: Human Rights. Resistant Sounds, and the Politics of Music Making.” In Rebel Musics: Human Rights, Resistant Sounds, and the Politics of Music Making, ред. Daniel Fischlin и Ajay Heble. 232-48. Montreal: Black Rose Books.

Henken, Ted. 2003. “Santiago vs. Havana: Cuba’s Underground Economy in Comparative Perspective.” Cuba in Transition (Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy), 348-53.

Henken, Ted. 2003. “Entrepreneurship. Informality, and the Second Economy: Cuba’s Underground Economy in Comparative Perspective.” Cuba in Transition (Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy): 360-73.

Israel, Esteban. 2009. “Fiebre del Reggaetón Sacude a la Cultura Cubana.” Reuters, 30 июня. https://lta.reuters.com/article/entertainmentNews/idLTASIE55T1A420090630 актуально на 9.07.2018.

Lamrani, Salim. 2009. “The Contradictions of Cuban Blogger Yoani Sánchez.” Monthly Review. 11 ноября, https://mronline.org/2009/12/11/the-contradictions-of-cuban-blogger-yoani-sanchez/ актуально на 9.07.2018.

Loomba, Ania. 1998. Colonialism/Postcolonialism. London: Routledge.

Maxwell, Ian. 2003. Phat Beats, Dope Rhymes: Hip Hop Down Under Coming Upper. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.

Moore, Robin. 2006. Music and Revolution: Cultural Change in Socialist Cuba. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Pekacz, Jolanta. 1994. “Did Rock Smash the Wall? The Role of Rock in Political Transition.” Popular Music 13, no. 1: 41-49.

Pema, Vincenzo. 2005. Timba: The Sound of the Cuban Crisis. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Perry, Imani. 2004. Prophets of the Hood: Politics and Poetics in Hip Hop. Durham: Duke University Press.

Ramonet, Ignacio. 2008. Fidel Castro: My Life: A Spoken Autobiography. New York: Scribner.

Ramonet, Ignacio. (без даты) “Respirando Desde Dentro.” Movimiento 5:25-27.

Ramonet, Ignacio. 2010. “Restrictions on Freedom of Expression in Cuba.” London: Amnesty (международные публикации). https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/amr25/005/2010/en/. Accessed October 3.2010.

Ritter, Archibald. 2005. “Cuba’s underground economy.” http://carleton.ca/economics/wp-content/uploads/cep04-12.pdf актуально на 9.07.2018.

Riviére, Melisa. 2010. “Son dos alas: A Multimedia Ethnography of Hip-Hop between Cuba and Puerto Rico.” Докторская диссертация. University of Minnesota.

Szemere, Anna. 2001. Up from the Underground: The Culture of Rock Music in Postsocialist Hungary. University Park: Penn State University Press.

Vicent, Mauricio. 2005. “El Ritmo Más Duro de Cuba.” El País, 20 марта.

Wang, Jimmy. 2009. “Now Hip-Hop, Too, is Made in China.” New York Times, 24 января.

West-Duran, Alan. 2004. “Rap’s Diasporic Dialogues: Cuba’s Redefinition of Blackness.” Journal of Popular Music Studies 16, no. 1:4-39.

Whitfield, Esther. 2008. Cuban Currency: The Dollar and “Special Period” Fiction. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Zizek, Slavoj. 2007. “Resistance Is Surrender.” London Review of Books, 15 ноября.

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